Legal Floris LLC

The Republic of Estonia advanced its position as a respected digital society by launching its sophisticated e-Solutions packages for its domestic market. These pro-active and tech-savvy solutions include among other things, e-Residency, the e-Tax board, the Data Embassy and the e-Police system. This straightforward and efficient approach to business and technology allowed the country to welcome an ever growing increase in foreign direct investment, and local companies managed by non-residents and utilizing the transnational digital identity provided for by the e-residency program.
The core business of Legal Floris LLC is to provide asset and fund recovery services to high net worth individuals, (offshore) companies and other investors. These clients are often victims of sophisticated and preconceived schemes that depart them from their hard earned finances. To stabilize its operation, customers of Legal Floris LLC often require a new corporate foundation. A company in Estonia and the e-Residency status for the owner potentially provides for such a solution.
This website on Estonia Company Formations is initiated by Legal Floris LLC and Equation CS. Legal Floris LLC and Equation CS deliver corporate and company formation services in a wide range of jurisdictions. The common characteristic of the pre-selected jurisdictions is flexibility and efficiency to conduct cross border business. The advantage of a company incorporated in Estonia is that the company provides for access to the European Single Market. This is beneficial for business ventures from outside the European Union willing to penetrate the European Economic Area with their products and services.
Efficiency prevails when running an Estonian company. Such efficiency comes at a price. The national tax regime does not provide non-residents with a special status. As a consequence Estonian resident companies and the permanent establishment of foreign entities are subject to income tax only in respect to distributed profits. Since the transfer of assets of a permanent establishment to a holding company or head office is also treated as a distribution of profits.